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projetos:musichacking:inicio [2018/02/17 16:29]
phil [Próximo Encontro]
projetos:musichacking:inicio [2018/02/18 19:56]
phil [Próximo Encontro]
Linha 37: Linha 37:
 +Codigo pra notas randomicos :
 +name: croissant
 +description: MIDI processor VST/AU for Protoplug. 
 +I'm going to create a library that emulates the functionality I use from Sonic-Pi for generative / algorithmic music. 
 +Starting with the ring (cyclic array) data-structure.
 +author: [email protected]
 +require "include/protoplug"
 +local blockEvents = {}
 +function ring(ns) 
 + local count = 0
 + for _ in pairs(ns) do count = count + 1 end
 + return {
 + notes = ns,
 + noItems = count,
 + current = 0,
 + choose = function(self) 
 + r = math.random(self.noItems)
 + x = self.notes[r]
 + return x
 + end,
 + tick = function(self)
 + if (self.current > self.noItems-1) then
 + self.current = 0
 + end
 + self.current = self.current + 1 
 + return self.notes[self.current]
 + end
 +local scale = ring({0, 3, 7, 11, 12, 17})
 +local off_buffer = {}
 +function plugin.processBlock(samples, smax, midiBuf)
 + blockEvents = {} 
 + for ev in midiBuf:eachEvent() do
 + if ev:isNoteOn() then
 + local root = ev:getNote()
 + local note = root + scale:choose()
 + off_buffer[root] = note
 + play(ev:getChannel(),note,ev:getVel())
 + elseif ev:isNoteOff() then
 + local note = off_buffer[ev:getNote()]
 + if not note == nil then
 + play_off(ev:getChannel(),note)
 + end
 + end  
 + end
 + -- fill midi buffer with prepared notes
 + midiBuf:clear()
 + if #blockEvents>0 then
 + for _,e in ipairs(blockEvents) do
 + midiBuf:addEvent(e)
 + end 
 + end
 +function play(chan,note,vel)
 + local newEv = midi.Event.noteOn(chan,note,vel)
 + table.insert(blockEvents, newEv)
 +function play_off(chan,note)
 + local newEv = midi.Event.noteOff(chan,note)
 + table.insert(blockEvents, newEv)
 ===== Encontros Passados ===== ===== Encontros Passados =====
projetos/musichacking/inicio.txt · Última modificação: 2023/11/13 23:30 por phil